ContentAlcohol Withdrawal And DetoxWhy The Body Often Craves Salt In RecoveryFoods That Help Curb Cravings From Drugs Or AlcoholFoods That Trigger Drug And Alcohol CravingsDrink RefusalAlcohol Abuse And Addiction TreatmentFoods That Restore Breathing Importantly, protein helps reduce alcohol cravings by carefully stabilizing the production of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter...
My 10 Favorite Addiction Recovery Memoirs
ContentThe Books I Picked & Whyjohn Barleycorn Must Die: Addiction Attributions In Jack Londons Alcoholic Memoirs2 Im Black And Im Sober: The Timeless Journey Of A Womans Journey Back To Sanity By Chaney AllenGirl Walks Out Of A Bar: A Memoir By Lisa F SmithWhat Is Dry Drunk Syndrome? Common...